Coming at you with the Who, What, When, and Where in the DMV!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Was Darnell Dockett HATING?

Read the below Twitter convo that happend last night between DMV's own Wale and Darnell Dockett (Arizona Cardinals Defensive Tackle.) Wale's album Attention Deficit is in stores TODAY (go get it!) ...Read below what Darnell has to say about it. Was his comment out of line? Or was it just "Real Talk"? All I'm saying is this..If you are from the DMV show love and support!

Darnell Dockett: Look I'm not buying no wale cd, unless he Featuring JEZZY on every song that's REAL TALK. And FYI jeezy cd coming soon!

Wale: @ddockett and we not supportin no darnell dockett on this side either unless brian westbrook playin for yall..i dont need ur support nigga

Wale: @ddockett dc md or va dont excpect u to support ..but ill tell jeezy ur waiting for him to drop..good luck this season tho ..okbye

Wale: lol we dont support the AZ cardinals EVER not even if there was a fire.. (brennan huff voice)

Darnell Dockett: Look I dont have nothing against @Wale I don't even know the dude, I haven't bought CD's since 07 nothing against him, people kept -cont

Darnell Dockett: Asking was I gonna get it and I'm like nah, nothing toward him I actually like the the song with gaga - I'm just a big jeezy fan

Darnell Dockett: Support @Wale: EVERYONE GO BUY #attentiondeficit the album drop today 11/10 good luck, I wish u well do it big!

Darnell Dockett: Shouts out to all the people that stood there ass in a line at best buy for the new call of duty at 12am Been playing this shh 4 2 weeks LOL

Wale: goodnight yall, i love all yall even the naysayers. #attentiondeficit is finally out lets catch whoevers number 1! #dmv goodnight

What do yall think? Was Darnell Dockett hating?


  1. This is why I don't have Twitter.

    Grown adults having a Twitter-beef.

  2. lol i dont think dd was hating he was just stating facts...i know alot of people who dont purchase music let alone rap except that one artist who makes them want to drop that $10.99 lol

    i think wale was acting overly sensitive on a public network...he needs to get thicker skin if he going to thrive in this business.
